Bespoke consultancy services to support your organising campaigns

At the Centre for Progressive Change we offer bespoke consultancy services in order to support your organising campaigns to be as effective as they can be. Whether you want support for the overall strategy of the campaign, one-to-one coaching, or hands on help on the ground, we are here to help you succeed.

Strategy & Planning
We offer bespoke strategic support - from helping your organisation to do a Power Structure Analysis, to deciding on an overall strategy, to planning the steps of a campaign - whatever you need to run a successful campaign.

Organising Skills
We offer coaching to ensure you are as effective as you can be when using the key organising tools.
We also offer shadowing - the best way to get feedback on where you personally need to improve to be the best you can be.
We also offer shadowing - the best way to get feedback on where you personally need to improve to be the best you can be.